
le bruit des arbres qui tombent

created and directed by nathalie béasse
with estelle delcambre, karim fatihi, érik gerken, clément goupille
lighting design natalie gallard, sound tal agam
music nicolas chavet, julien parsy

the the sound of trees falling
Trees that fall and a man who falls
the noise that no one hears
four people
maybe of the same family
they come, one by one, and share their memory, their story
they become metaphors
the others are like envoys, like phantom souls
they accompany the story
they carry it, they stop it, they splash around with it, and have fun with it
and this black rectangle
this mass that suffocates us
this reflection that shines on us
everything is opposed and everything comes together
searching for the origin
of intimate tales that become one and one only
telling the same thing always the same thing
always digging its hole
to find a treasure
never finding it but enjoying going further and further
with soil under nails and in the flesh
opening doors, from the other side of the corridor, from the other side of the curtain
watching the movements, things being moved, with a child's eye
and feeling the invisible vibrations

Nathalie Béasse


A theatre of bodies, of images, sensations more than words, Nathalie Béasse composes orginal tableaux on stage that make the extraordinary come alive. In her new show, she intertwines different lives in an attempt to weave a common story, solving a riddle. Through four performers, Nathalie explores the human being, its imperfections, its failures, its inhibitions. Light and serious at the same time, le bruit des arbres qui tombent uses the performers' bodies but also the audience's imagination.

Production : association le sens
Coproduction : Le Théâtre, scène nationale in Saint-Nazaire, Théâtre du Point du jour in Lyon, Théâtre Universitaire in Nantes, Le Grand R in  la Roche-sur-Yon, Le Quai-CDN in Angers, Théâtre de la Bastille in Paris.
Residencies : Le Théâtre, scène nationale in Saint-Nazaire, Théâtre du Point du jour in Lyon, Théâtre Universitaire in Nantes, Le Grand R in la Roche-sur-Yon, Le Quai-CDN in Angers.
With support for the residency from CNDC – Angers.

available for tour

past shows

2025 | January, 21 - 22

la commune cdn - aubervilliers**

2024 | 24 - January 27

Théâtre Varia - Bruxelles (Belgique)

2023 | 6 - June 8

théâtre sorano, scène conventionnée - toulouse**

2020 | April, 28 - 29

Théâtre Sorano (annulation covid) - Toulouse

2019 | 3 - June 7

Théâtre de la Bastille – occupation 3* - Paris (France)

2019 | April, 10 - 11

La Comédie – scène nationale - Clermont-Ferrand (France)

2019 | March, 7

La Comédie - CDN - Saint-Etienne (France)

2019 | March, 5 - 6

La Comédie – CDN - Saint-Etienne (France)

2019 | February, 7 - 8

Théâtre Bois de l’Aune - Aix-en-Provence (France)

2019 | 23 - January 25

Le Maillon – scène européenne - Strasbourg (France)

2019 | January, 17

Le Tangram - scène nationale - Évreux - Louviers (France)

2018 | December, 18

Le Théâtre – scène conventionnée - Arles (France)

2018 | December, 14

Théâtre Louis Aragon - scène conventionnée - Tremblay (France)

2018 | 4 - December 8

Théâtre Olympia – CDN - Tours (France)

2018 | February, 21 - 22

Le théâtre - CDN - Lorient (France)

2018 | February, 15 - 16

Le Quai - Angers (France)

2018 | February, 1

Le Canal - Redon (France)

2018 | January, 24 - 25

La Paillette - Rennes (France)

2018 | January, 16 - 17

Le Théâtre - St Nazaire (France)

2017 | September, 28 - October, 14

Le Théâtre de la Bastille - Paris (France)
with support from ONDA

2017 | July, 28

The Venice Biennale (Italy)

2017 | May, 10 - 11

Le Grand R - La-Roche-sur-Yon (France)

2017 | March, 24

Le Cargo - Segré (France)

2017 | February, 28 - March, 3

Théâtre Universitaire - Nantes (France)


L'Oeil d'Olivier - June, 4 2019
Les rêves bucoliques de Nathalie Béasse - par Florence Pons
Les Echos - December, 7 2017

Les enchantements de Nathalie Béasse

Délibéré - October, 10 2017

Nathalie Béasse en forêt habitée - par René Solis

Le Monde - October, 9 2017

Le jeu hors des clous de Nathalie Béasse, à La Bastille - par Brigitte Salino

Libération - October, 6 2017

"Le bruit des arbres...", vague sensorielle - par Anne Diatkine

Scèneweb - October, 5 2017

Nathalie Béasse à corps perdu - par Stéphane Capron

Médiapart - September, 25 2017

Eloge de Nathalie Béasse - Par Jean-Pierre Thibaudat

Controscena - August, 3 2017

La piccola lince che va via sola e comincia a imparare le cose - Enrico Fiore

enricopastore.com - July, 31 2017

Quello di Nathalie Bèasse è un universo teatrale a bolle - Nicola Candreva

La Stampa - July, 27 2017

L'immaginario di Béasse danza nella crudeltà - Michela Tamburrino